The Gallery of Summer Exhibitions. Odsherred and the Art. The Island and the Dream Talks and Courses. Contact 


The Gallery of Summer has been part of the juried event of Art. Artdays in Pentecost. Odsherred 2013 and 2107. 

The events called on about 600 visitors, the sale was fine and the spirit in top. In 2013 the audience could paint the view towards Nekseloe and in 2017 there was a competition, Name It, where the author of the titel to af fabulation, recieved the painting. There was also a talk about the old painters in Odsherred as I remembered them from my childhood. 

Below is a few fotos from the two events, where the many interested and positive visitors, created a very rewarding spirit and experience. We owe a lot of thanks to all the people, who made Art in Pentecost something really special in the Gallery of Summer. Unfortunately no foto can reproduce the life, the enthusiasm og the come together in the Gallery of Summer in those special days of 2013 and 2017. 


2013 2017







The wiev is painted by small and big. 


Some of the beautiful results. 

The first solution of the competition is delivered.

The whole house was dressed in art.

The talk gathered a lot more visitors than expected, On by help from kind nabours with chairs was it possible to find room for everybody.


What the press wrote. Nordvestnyt 16. of May 2013.

The Artdays of Odsherred  very kindly took care of making a movie with the participants in the event. Click here to se the shots from my studio. 
